Sunday, January 31, 2010


This is wrong. Very wrong. Since my exams are creeping one day before..I had 5 choices:

  • Study physics
  • Biology
  • Chemistry *blech
  • Add maths
  • or recite my speech (for the ISKL Forensics)

Instead, I am blogging for the first time of this year. Pathetic, but true. Upper secondary is MADNESS. This week.. there's the sport practise, SEA Forensics, netball training, U.N Day, Leo Charity Dinner, Cross country and the blimey exams all cramped in barely a week.

They say form four is a honeymoon for us kids. BAH! My foot.

Just like an amoeba (except that I ain't got no contractile vacuole), I am going to keep absorbing the all the pressure there is. Slowly, letting them diffuse in me then *KA-BOOM! SPLECK! PLIAK!*

I burst and die.